Publications | The Perryman Group
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The Long‑Term Economic Forecast for Texas Metropolitan Areas
Newsletter Published on December 21, 2022 (Vol. 39, No. 10)

Both large and smaller metropolitan areas are all on track to experience notable employment growth over the long term. The Perryman Group's latest long-term economic forecast findings are summarized in this issue of The Perryman Report & Texas Letter.

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Long‑Term Texas Economic Forecast
Newsletter Published on November 30, 2022 (Vol. 39, No. 09)

Although there are challenges to be dealt with, the Texas economy is expected to see long-term growth at a rate outpacing most parts of the United States. This issue highlights The Perryman Group's latest long-term forecast for the state.

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United States Economic Forecast
Newsletter Published on October 07, 2022 (Vol. 39, No. 08)

While the pace has slowed from the surge as conditions improved from the pandemic, the US economy has been experiencing job gains and other signs of growth. However, challenges are intensifying. The long-term outlook calls for expansion, though the risk of below-trend growth in the near term remains.

Looking Ahead
Column Published in syndication January 08, 2025

I've been analyzing the Texas economy for more than four decades, including peering into the future to project growth patterns (I was very young when I started). I've recently taken yet another deep dive into the long-term outlook for the state, including which industries are likely to lead the way. Let's take a quick look.

The Long‑Term Outlook for the Texas Economy
Column Published in syndication December 18, 2024

The dynamic Texas economy continues to add jobs across most industry sectors, though the pace has decreased somewhat of late. Given the slowing in the national economy and rising global uncertainty, it's a positive signal that the state's generally expansionary trend has been mostly sustained. The Perryman Group's latest long-term forecast indicates that Texas is likely to continue to generate a substantial portion of the nation's overall growth. There are certainly obstacles, but favorable patterns include demographics, energy, and emerging industries.

The Long‑Term Outlook for the US Economy
Column Published in syndication December 11, 2024

The US economy is slowing to some extent, with relatively modest job gains (particularly in the private sector) and other signs of a less robust period of activity. The current situation is the inevitable result of Federal Reserve efforts to slow inflation and uncertainties such as increasingly acute geopolitical tensions and the prospects for policy shifts in a new Administration.

Texas Tomorrow
Column Published in syndication December 13, 2023

The Texas economy has been on a strong growth trajectory. About 1.1 million of the 4.5 million net jobs the United States has gained since just prior to the pandemic (February 2020) have been in Texas. Looking ahead, our analysis indicates that this dynamic state economy is likely to continue to outperform the nation. Let's take a brief look at key drivers of expansion over the next few decades.

Column Published in syndication December 06, 2023

The US economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience over the past several years. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, historic inflation, supply chain snarls that have taken years to untangle, and conflicts around the globe, we've seen ongoing expansion. In fact, jobs have been added at a significant pace, and employment is now about 4.5 million higher than it was before the pandemic.

Fueling the Future
Column Published in syndication October 25, 2023

The US Energy Information Administration recently released its long-term projections for global fuel demand. The International Energy Outlook 2023 (IEO2023) looks at long-term energy trends across the world through 2050. It includes seven scenarios with widely varying assumptions regarding economic growth, zero-carbon technology costs, and oil prices. Of particular relevance to the Texas economy, every case indicates higher worldwide consumption of oil and natural gas in 2050 than in 2022.