Priority Midland by the Numbers: Executive Summary
Published on August 15, 2019
Midland stands at the epicenter of an economic phenomenon of global importance which has created an enormous opportunity for the area. With proactive efforts, Midland can prepare for the challenges ahead and ensure the opportunities associated with oil and gas and related activity benefit the full community.
Enhancing housing options, infrastructure availability, educational performance, healthcare delivery, and amenities will enrich and invigorate the area with its own brand of energy and open new avenues for progress. A failure to act could leave conditions deteriorating despite the explosion in oil and gas production.
Priority Midland is a proactive initiative to mobilize the community's commitment and help access new and creative resources, catalyze efforts to accommodate expected growth, and position Midland to fully capitalize on emerging opportunities.
The Perryman Group was commissioned to define the implications of Midland's anticipated growth and this executive summary outlines the principal findings. The resulting report (which is available for download here) quantifies the magnitude of the expected industry, population, and economic expansion and identifies the challenges an opportunities that the energy sector's surge presents to Midland and its residents.
For more information, please refer to the following resources:
- Brief (PDF)
- [Infographic] Priority Midland by the Numbers: Health & Wellness (
- [Infographic] Priority Midland by the Numbers: Infrastructure (
- [Infographic] Priority Midland by the Numbers: Quality of Place (
- [Infographic] Priority Midland by the Numbers: Education (
- [Infographic] Priority Midland by the Numbers: Housing (
- [Infographic] Priority Midland by the Numbers: Overview (