Publications | The Perryman Group
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Essential Energy: The Economic Importance of the Permian Basin Part 1 of 2
Newsletter Published on July 07, 2022 (Vol. 39, No. 05)

The Permian Basin is among the most important oil-producing regions in the world. In addition to supplying needed energy, it also generates a substantial portion of Texas business activity. This issue highlights results of The Perryman Group's recent study of the economic and fiscal impact of the region.

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Priority Midland by the Numbers: Overview
Infographic Published on August 15, 2019

Recent advances such as hydraulic fracturing, horizontal drilling, as well as new discoveries, increased exports, and infrastructure improvements will lead to less volatility, larger scale drilling programs, increased cycle times, and a larger permanent workforce and population. These changes and their associated spin-off effects will lead to myriad economic benefits, including increased output (real gross product), greater personal income, new (and higher paying) jobs, additional retail sales, and enhanced tax revenues. The resulting growth brings enormous potential benefits, but also has profound implications for housing, infrastructure, education, health & wellness, and quality of place. Proactive efforts to prepare for the coming growth can position the area to emerge stronger and more prosperous in the future.

How did the Texas oil and gas industry perform in 2023?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on February 08, 2024

Dr. Perryman discusses how the Texas oil and gas industry performed in 2023 and the outlook for the future.

More and More
Column Published in syndication May 08, 2024

Even as oil and natural gas production in Texas and the United States have been increasing rapidly, new data from the US Energy Information Administration indicates that proved reserves are also hitting record highs. Basically, we're finding new reserves faster than we can extract them from the ground.

Fueling the Future
Column Published in syndication October 25, 2023

The US Energy Information Administration recently released its long-term projections for global fuel demand. The International Energy Outlook 2023 (IEO2023) looks at long-term energy trends across the world through 2050. It includes seven scenarios with widely varying assumptions regarding economic growth, zero-carbon technology costs, and oil prices. Of particular relevance to the Texas economy, every case indicates higher worldwide consumption of oil and natural gas in 2050 than in 2022.