...and Justice for All: The Potential Economic Benefits of Improving the Judicial Infrastructure in the Eastern District of Texas
Report Published on July 30, 2015No modern economy can prosper without a strong system of courts to protect public safety, secure property rights, enforce contracts, and resolve disputes. In fact, an effective judiciary lies at the heart of the very foundations of Western civilization. Even so, many states and locales face poorly funded courts, while the Federal courts have been hampered in recent years both by the inability of Congress to fill vacancies in a timely manner and by the failure to expand the number of judgeships as economic and demographic growth demand. There is perhaps no place where this situation is more acute than the Eastern District of Texas.

Economic Impact of Inadequate Judicial Infrastructure
Video Delivered on August 04, 2015Dr. Perryman addresses the Judicial Infrastructure Planning Conference for the Eastern District of Texas in 2015 about the economic impact of inadequate judicial infrastructure.