Publications | The Perryman Group
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Hunger: Economic Perspectives ‑ Sustainable Solutions
Report Published on November 06, 2014

Even beyond the obvious physical and mental costs of food insecurity and the incalculable toll on the stability and dignity of families across the United States, there is also a tremendous economic cost. Health care needs of people who are food insecure are higher due to increased incidence and severity of disease. Health outcomes are also worse, reducing productivity and lifetime earnings. In addition, education expenses are higher, with a greater need for intervention such as special education. Achievement levels (and, hence, lifetime earnings) are negatively affected. These costs multiply as they work their way through the business complex and are largely borne by the whole of society. The Perryman Group estimates that hunger costs the US economy $461.9 billion in total expenditures and $221.9 billion in gross product each year as well as nearly 2.5 million permanent jobs on an ongoing basis.

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Hunger: The Economic Effects and the Possibility of a Solution
Infographic Published on November 06, 2014

Tens of millions of Americans do not have enough food to meet basic daily needs, which is nothing short of tragic. Every year that this problem is allowed to persist literally saps trillions of dollars in long-term economic potential from the United States. This infographic summarizes the findings in our report, Hunger: Economic Perspectives, Sustainable Solutions.