Publications | The Perryman Group
What did the latest revision to gross domestic product show?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on July 10, 2024

Dr. Perryman discusses the recent gross domestic product revision.

How did the US economy perform in the third quarter?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on October 30, 2023

Dr. Perryman discusses how the US economy performed in the third quarter.

What did the GDP numbers look like for the second quarter?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on July 28, 2023

Dr. Perryman discusses the second quarter GDP numbers.

Global Growth
Column Published in syndication February 28, 2024

I often tend to focus on the US economy. Let's explore some context by examining how other countries are faring. Rates of expansion around the world vary significantly, and a few points about current patterns are noteworthy.