Publications | The Perryman Group
What is the latest on the inflation rate?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on July 19, 2024

Dr. Perryman discusses the latest on inflation and the Federal Reserve.

What did the Fed do regarding interest rates at its recent meeting?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on March 28, 2024

Dr. Perryman discusses the recent Fed meeting and expectations regarding interest rates this year.

What did the Consumer Price Index show in February?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on March 13, 2024

Dr. Perryman discusses the increase in the consumer price index in Febraury and the impact it may have on the Federal Reserve.

What does the increase in the Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index mean for interest rates?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on March 06, 2024

Dr. Perryamn discusses how the Fed will likely view the increase in the Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index.

How did the CPI report look for November?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on December 12, 2023

Dr. Perryman discusses the latest consumer price index report and what it means the Fed will likely do in 2024.

The August inflation rate increase was higher than expected.
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on September 18, 2023

Dr. Perryman discusses the higher than expected August inflation rate and what impact it may have on Fed policy.

The Fed pauses interest rate increases.
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on June 15, 2023

What does Dr. perryman think about the Fed's latest action on interest rates?