Publications | The Perryman Group
What does the Index of Leading Economic Indicators say about the likelihood of a recession?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on February 28, 2024

Dr. Perryman discusses the latest Index of Leading Economic Indicators and what it says about the likelihood of a recession.

How did the US economy perform in the third quarter?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on October 30, 2023

Dr. Perryman discusses how the US economy performed in the third quarter.

What does the IMF expect for global growth in 2024?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on October 12, 2023

Dr. Perryman discusses the International Monetary Fund's expectation for slower global economic growth in 2024.

How many jobs has Texas added in the last year?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on August 22, 2023

Dr. Perryman discusses the latest jobs report for Texas.

What did the GDP numbers look like for the second quarter?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on July 28, 2023

Dr. Perryman discusses the second quarter GDP numbers.

Global Growth
Column Published in syndication February 28, 2024

I often tend to focus on the US economy. Let's explore some context by examining how other countries are faring. Rates of expansion around the world vary significantly, and a few points about current patterns are noteworthy.

Texas Tomorrow
Column Published in syndication December 13, 2023

The Texas economy has been on a strong growth trajectory. About 1.1 million of the 4.5 million net jobs the United States has gained since just prior to the pandemic (February 2020) have been in Texas. Looking ahead, our analysis indicates that this dynamic state economy is likely to continue to outperform the nation. Let's take a brief look at key drivers of expansion over the next few decades.

Column Published in syndication December 06, 2023

The US economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience over the past several years. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, historic inflation, supply chain snarls that have taken years to untangle, and conflicts around the globe, we've seen ongoing expansion. In fact, jobs have been added at a significant pace, and employment is now about 4.5 million higher than it was before the pandemic.

Literacy and the Workforce
Column Published in syndication November 29, 2023

Literacy is defined as "the ability to understand, evaluate, use and engage with written texts to participate in society, to achieve one's goals, and to develop one's knowledge and potential" by the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC--part of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)). Through my economist lens, another aspect of literacy is that it greatly enhances job opportunities for individuals and provides some near-term relief to the workforce shortage.