Publications | The Perryman Group
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Literacy in Texas
Newsletter Published on August 31, 2022 (Vol. 39, No. 07)

Literacy improves quality of life and is essential to many jobs. Texas lags the nation in literacy rates, with particularly low levels in some counties. Improving the situation could lead to notable economic benefits.

Heat Wave!
Column Published in syndication July 03, 2024

You have probably noticed that it has been rather hot lately! A June heat wave affected millions of people from Texas and New Mexico to Florida to the northeastern United States. An area of high pressure over the Midwest pushed warm air to the surface and trapped it there, forming a heat dome. The result was a long period of record temperatures and little precipitation. Records were tied or broken across the country, from Boston and New York to Fort Lauderdale. In addition to the negative quality of life and health effects, excessive heat involves substantial overall economic costs. We recently estimated the net losses associated with the recent heat conditions, as well as the potential long-term effects of sustained hotter temperatures.