Publications | The Perryman Group
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Educational Attainment and Household Wealth in Texas
Infographic Published on June 14, 2016

65.9% of the current school-age population in Texas belongs to Hispanic, Black, or Asian/other households which, when combined, only account for 11% of the state's household wealth. If we don't provide the needed resources, educational attainment in the state will trend downward and overall economic performance, opportunity, and standards of living will be eroded over time.

What do the latest numbers on US household debt show?
Radio Spot Broadcast via Texas State Networks on November 21, 2024

Dr. Perryman discusses the latest US household debt numbers.

Family Fortunes
Column Published in syndication November 08, 2023

Every three years, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System releases results of the Survey of Consumer Finances. The Survey looks at family income, net worth, debt, and other indicators of the financial health of US families. The most recent report covers the interesting time period from 2019 (just before the COVID-19 pandemic) to 2022. Let's explore a few interesting findings.

Household Debt
Column Published in syndication September 27, 2023

Household debt in the United States is at an all-time high - more than $17 trillion. Of that amount, the lion's share, almost $12.4 trillion, is for housing, and credit card obligations recently topped $1 trillion. These are big numbers, and they are rising. The question is whether they are a cause for concern. The short answer is "not really" given current conditions, though there are some underlying issues which bear watching.